Our Pastors

Pastors Keith and Michelle Pavlansky

Pastors Keith and Michelle Pavlansky have been happily married for over 20 years and have been blessed with 2 sons. They took over the mantle of leadership at Faith Fellowship in 2016. Their passions are unifying the churches in this county, continuing to offer Christ-centered education through our private Christian school, and engaging the culture to accept a biblical worldview.
They were born again at early ages and are both graduates of the Christian school here at Faith Fellowship Church. Pastor Keith loves to engage you in conversation and loves sports. Pastor Michelle is an excellent cook and has a heart for serving others.





Pastors Dan and Kathy Pavlansky

Pastors Dan and Kathy Pavlansky have been happily married for over 50 years and enjoy their family of five sons and daughters-in-law with 16 grandchildren. They have been pastoring for 35 years in Yadkin County North Carolina. Their passion is to train up leaders full of integrity to raise up an amazing harvest of souls.
They were born again during the Charismatic renewal in the mid-seventies and set afire by the Holy Spirit. Their energizing motto is, “The Best is Yet to Come!”